Thursday, March 4, 2010

OK, so I am a terrible blogger. I still really don't know what I am doing but have really felt that if I take some time every day or at least a few times a week to write....I will become a blogger. I have decided to restart my devotional writing. Once it was a spark that would open up my heart as well as others. Maybe as a blogger, I can gain an audience on my devotionals and see where God is leading me in regards to my writing.

So my past post may not have made any sense.
Everyday we are asked to make a choice. Some of these choices are simple, like the size of our drink at lunch. Other choices are more difficult for example, do you tell your boss about the cheater next to you? Then there are others that lay heavy on your heart, the ones you know you should pray about but you don't. The one's that eat at you all night and all day because you think you can fix it.

I regress. So, choices. When you open your eyes in the morning....this is a gift. One that you can sense. Sometimes you sense that it is going to be a glorious day. You wake with a song in your heart and a smile on your face. Other mornings you wake up, hit that alarm clock over and over hoping it really is Saturday. On these have being given a choice. One that you do have some control over. Most of the time we feel we have no control (even thought there is really only one person ever in control). Control is another post. Anyway...

I feel God has given me the reins of my day. On traveling to work the other day it hit me. I can make a choice to have a good day or not. I can choose to enjoy working or dread getting there. I can choose to be active and proactive at life versus complaining about how much I have to get done and how there is no time in my day. To consciously make a choice that today will be productive and successful is not always easy but when your strongest muscle in your body is your have a good sense of control over your day. It is all on how you make the choices.

For example, you have a co-worker that you just dread seeing. Everyone has one of these in their office. You can make a conscious choice to change your feeling and reactions to this person. If you have someone that makes you feel threatened, you can make a choice to be a wolf or a lamb.

When you make a choice for your day that things will be good something always happens. Then things start going wrong. You can still make the choice on how to deal with it. Do you allow what went wrong to bother you or control the rest of your day or do you put it in your inbox to deal with later when you have the right mind set. Many times when you go back to your inbox you will find that what upset you at that moment means little or nothing to you now. It is all about changing your mind set to accept what may come but embarrassing what God is giving you. He has given you a conscious to make decisions and make a choice. God will give you the strength, He has given you the tools to do what you need to do. Are you going to pick up the pieces and make choices to improve your day, your year, your life?

What will be your choice today?